Recreational and Leisure Management

COURSE DESCRIPTION for TMPE 1 (Recreational and Leisure Management)

This course deals with the concepts and relevant information about Recreational and Leisure Management. It introduces various perspectives on how leisure is perceived and what relevant recreational activities may be appropriately performed as a result of these identified means of describing what leisure times are. The three important sectors of the Recreational and Leisure industry and their corresponding management are likewise presented. Further, a description, and discussion on the international business environment of where the recreational and leisure organizations play are presented, together with the factors essentially performing within the internal and outside the external business environment, affecting the operations and management of recreational and leisure organizations. Specific sectors within the recreational and leisure industry are also elaborated such as the sectors of visitor attractions, accommodation businesses, arts and entertainment, recreation and sport, and leisure shopping. Moreover, a clearer appreciation and relevance of this industry to future professional endeavors of the Tourism Management Graduates are expected to be realized, maximizing economic growth to most if not all key players of the Tourism industry as a whole.