Course Description
This course deals mainly on the access and use of information and communication technology in the different functions and activities in the library such as automated or online acquisition, cataloging, reference work, circulation, and others including the use of electronic databases namely: databases, e-journals, e-books, etc.
Course Learning Outcomes
This course is intended to develop further the librarians' key competencies in using information and communications technology in library operations. At the end of the semester/term, students must be able to:
1. become update on the new and various applications for selection, acquisition, cataloging, and reference services;
2. become proficient in selecting and acquiring library materials in online platforms;
3. enhance their ability to use computer for circulating library materials, computing library statistics, and conducting inventory;
4. improve their skills in reference service using the different online media platforms such as email and social media;
5. advance their skills in using the electronic and online resources;
6. convert printed resources to digital format for easy retrieval and access; and
7. formulate polices and procedures in selection and acquisition of electronic resources.
- Enrolled students: 2