Christian Formation Education (CFE) 106a – Embracing the CICM Mission, is the synthesis of the CFE Program of CICM schools, capping the four-year academic Christian formation in the “critical understanding” of the basics of the Christian faith, enriched by the Sacred Scriptures, Tradition, and Human Experience. Together with CFE 106b, this course directly prepares the graduating students to live a meaningful professional life. The emphasis is on how the graduating students understand themselves and their profession in relation to their mission as followers of Christ and co-missionaries of the CICM. Such understanding of their share in the beautiful mission is deepened and nurtured as they are led to celebrate their faith through Liturgy and the Sacraments. Through this spiritual and religious formation, they are led to reflect on what it truly means to be a professional CICM co-missionary, inspiring them to relate harmoniously with the world and celebrate meaningfully their lives which is indeed part of the CICM legacy. This course also aims to revisit the norms and standards observed in the profession, their sources, interpretation, and application in various situations of life which will serve as guideline as the graduating students struggle to live a life of Faith, Hope, and Love to God and neighbors in the context of their professional as well as their personal life and the created world.
- Enrolled students: 60