Advanced Library and Information Management

LIS 202 - Advanced Library and Information Management

Course Description

This course deals with the advanced principles, practices and modern theories in managing libraries and information centers.   It is aimed at providing library managers in all levels of education and in all schemes of education with professional competence, attitudes, values, and managerial skills to lead their library in progress.

It also focuses on the management of the library such as collection development, physical resources, information and communication technologies, human resources, financial resources, and library services; and preparing library development plan, strategic management action plan, and library project proposal.


Course Learning Outcomes

This course is intended to develop the key competencies of managing the key resource of any organization – its human resources for competitive advantage.  At the end of the semester students must be able to:

1. differentiate the various management approaches applicable to library settings

2. enhance their knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in managing the library in accordance with the law and Code of Ethics for Filipino Librarians.

3. identify and translate new management theories, principles and practices in library setting particularly in their workplace.

4. perform the SWOT analysis in their own work place.

5. craft a project proposal integrating  the functions of management such as planningorganizingstaffingdirectingcontrolling and budgeting.