This is a subject required for all first year college students as their first theology course in the University. It lets the students learn and appreciate the initiative of God in intervening in human history just to bring back people to the right path and to guide them not to commit the same mistakes being done by our fore-fathers. This course will discuss the different ways on how God Journeyed (visited) with His people starting with the calling of Abraham and the prophets, the peak of His revelation through His Son Jesus Christ and His vision of the Kingdom, and His continuing guidance of the people through the Holy Spirit who is present in the Church and her celebrations. With this framework, the first part of the course will first present a brief discussion about the Sacred Scriptures, its formation and compilation as the so called Bible which is the primary record of this God’s journey (visitation) with His people, and the methods of bringing out its message.
- Enrolled students: 55