Human Resource Management

This course is based on the premise that modern organizations, with people aspiring to be world class in status should adopt the modern concepts of personnel and human resources management.  Since the area on people is the most important aspect of innovations in today’s business era, their success or failure shapes the well being and welfare of every business enterprise.  Organizations succeed by combining resources (human and non-human) and strategies effectively and efficiently to achieve distinctive competencies.

    Central to any strategy and use of any resources, is the deployment of people –the men and women- the employees to devise and execute corporate strategies. How well an organization obtains, maintains and retains such men and women are important functions of personnel that should be extensively discussed.  This course also presents key concepts, issues, practices and theories for a useful understanding of personnel and human resources management.  Activities however, will include the practical and empirical applications of the theories and concepts, on the latest developments in the field of human resources and its management and identification.  Utilization of the results of previously conducted studies will be strongly emphasized in the study.


    The main purpose of the course in “Human Resources Management” is to develop among graduate students the knowledge, skills, competencies and attitude needed in order for them to be effective and efficient managers of the most important resource available to management- the human resources.  These can be attained if at the end of the semester, the students are able to:

  1. discuss extensively the different environmental forces that business firms are facing in attempting to capitalize on their own human resources as a means of gaining competitive advantage;

  2. develop skills and competencies required in the process of acquiring and preparing the human resources needed by the business firms from planning, recruitment and selection;

  3. explore on how companies can determine and increase the value of employees and to effectively utilize their talents and capabilities through effective training, retention and development strategies;

  4. be exposed to the different processes of productive performance management and their proper evaluation, emphasizing on the results and findings of studies conducted along these areas;

  5. concretize the process of work system design by developing specific job designs, team structuring and planning and developing internal organization structures;

  6. manifest knowledge on the concepts of developing strategic way of motivating, regarding and compensating the human resources;

  7. discuss the different latest developments in human resources management with emphasis on labor relations, collective bargaining and international HRM and the process of establishing and computerizing human resource system;

  8. determine problems and difficulties encountered by business enterprise through the conduct of descriptive normative and other forms of researches in order for the students to develop recommendations that can solve the HP problems and difficulties